How do you draw close to God? Do you ever feel like there are times where if you don't draw close to Him you will bust? If you don't...let me encourage you to chase Him until you have that feeling! I am fiddling around with a new song about drawing close to God. The first few lines are "I draw close, closer than ever now, I need You, Lord to show up some how." I think I've come to the realization in the last few years that in order to be closer to God, I am the one who has to move. God is constant, He never faulters, He doesn't go anywhere, it is us that stray away from Him. Our pastor has been preaching a sermon series about suffering. I have been reflecting about this idea a lot lately and have realized many things, but what I want for you to consider is that when we find ourselves in the midst of trouble or danger, we hopefully will have the right mind to cry out to God for help and for Him to draw near. This is what we were commanded to do...check out James 5:13, "Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray." We should pray to God to voice our concerns (and continuing in James we find where we should pray for one another). But maybe after you pray, you should move. Move to His Word. Move to His teachings. Move to His praises. Move to His people. Draw close to may not be easy, but He will in turn "draw near" to you.
James 4:7-8 - "Therefore, submit to God. But resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, double-minded people!"
The kids in Kid's Connect learned this week about prayer and about how to listen in prayer. Their Bible verse was Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God." This week, whether your suffering and struggling, or just complacent and living life, find some time to be still, listen, and begin to draw close to God...and don't be surprised if you have to move. :)
"I draw close, closer than ever now
I need You, Lord, to show up somehow
You stand still, yet are ever moving
We fall short, yet you keep on giving
'Let my cry reach You oh Lord
Let my plea reach You
My lips pour out praise to You
My tongue sings of Your promise'
'May Your hand be ready, Lord
for I have chosen You
I long for Your salvation, Lord
Let me live and praise...'
You sent Your Son
to die on a cross
to pay for sin
and save those who are lost
Now we are Yours to live by Your word
We stand affirmed, here now to serve"
Thank you Jordan....
ReplyDeleteBecause I'm still a little involved in the warrior concept, I just wanted to say how amazing it is that we get our orders from the general himself. We may get complacent, but if we spend any amount of time with Him, he always has a new project for us- a new place to move!