Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Worship God When I Serve Him!

“I worship God when I serve Him!” With a main point this week of serving God, we found ourselves in the book of Luke. In chapter 7, verses 36-50 Jesus was anointed by a sinful woman at Bethany. Simon had invited Jesus to come to his home to eat. While there, a woman who was known as a sinner and was looked down upon in the town entered the room and knelt at Jesus’ feet and began putting perfume on his feet wiping them dry with her hair. Of course, my first reaction to this, living in the generation that I do, is GROSS! She cleaned his FEET with PERFUME and her HAIR. Now this Pharisee, a bit arrogant and pious must have thought something similar and could not believe a prophet would allow such a woman to “clean” his feet. As I place myself in that cultural context, I realize that his feet did not merely smell of old spice and have stray hairs attached because of her own hair used as a towel. A few things that strike me is that she didn’t just use water, which was cheaper, she didn’t anoint his head, which would have been cleaner, and she dried his feet with all that she had and what was probably precious to her: her hair. When we think of serving, do we automatically think, “go big or go home” or do we do the minimum. This woman definitely demonstrated humility in her service, which is a factor I believe we forget sometimes. I hope many parents are reading this article because students can learn a lot of attributes about Christ while at church, but until they see their parents modeling and demonstrating service, audiation may never develop into realization. Don’t just teach your kids to serve, but show them how through your own service, but don’t just use cheap water, with clean and disposable objects…Go big!

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